A waveguide-planar bandpass filter comprising a dielectric plate located in the E-plane of a rectangular waveguide, on the surface of which there are metal conductors having electrical contact with opposite wide walls of the said waveguide, the dimensions and relative position of which on the dielectric plate determine the characteristic of the resulting filter in its passband. The conductors (3, 4) are symmetrical on both sides of the dielectric plate (1) and form a series of pairwise interconnected filter resonators (5) located along the axis of the rectangular waveguide (2), these conductors in each of the resonators form two sections of the waveguide-slot line with different slots between the ridges, wherein the width of the slot in the first section of the resonator is equal to the height of the waveguide, the width of the slot in the second section is from 0.05 to 0.1 of the specified height, and the length of the second section is much smaller than the length of the first and is not more than 0.2 of it.