Market and Economic Attractiveness
- The development can become the basis for creating inexpensive up to $100 consumer and up to $500 industrial systems that require tracking of moving objects on video sequences in real time (surveillance systems, robotics, monitoring equipment for scientific and medical purposes)
Main Advantages (Strengths) of the Device
- Development is usually a component of more complex products/systems
- It is possible to track objects of any class
- It has small dimensions and energy consumption
- Has a moderate cost
Main Characteristics
Expected average overlap by method VOT Challenge EAO | > 0.15 |
Frame processing frequency on built-in processors ARM Cortex-A53 | > 15 Hz |
Marketing Readiness
- The mock-up sample is made
- Engineering resource requirements are defined
- Basic production requirements are formulated
- Schemes of basic business processes are defined
- An initial assessment of the benefits and risks is completed
- The evaluation of usefulness has been carried out
Developer Information
Research team FEL-14. Embedded computer vision systems
What is Needed to Promote the Device
New international contacts