Market and economic attractiveness
- The market attractiveness of the project is formed mostly on the basis of high demand for this type of equipment in Ukraine and the world. Consumer attractiveness is formed on the basis of a large number of advantages of a potential product in comparison with competitors
The main advantages (strengths) of the development
- SOR for heating needs up to 7...10.
- High efficiency is maintained with a decrease in ambient temperature.
- Absence of freon and compressor (M-cycle) during air conditioning.
- The supply air is clean, without admixture of exhaust air.
- Practically complete utilization of heat (up to 85%) from the exhaust air due to the condensation of water vapor in the Maysotsenko cycle .
- Universal heating and air conditioning system.
Main characteristics
- Higher efficiency of the ultra-efficient heat pump: for heating needs, the SOR index is up to 10, for air conditioning needs up to 16.
- High efficiency of the ultra-efficient heat pump, compared to existing heat pumps.
- Higher environmental friendliness due to the fact that during heating and air conditioning of premises, primary air is supplied without admixture of secondary air, as well as the absence of the need to use a compressor and freon during air conditioning.
- A highly efficient heat pump is a full-fledged integrated climate system.
- The installation is complex, therefore it consists of a traditional heat pump using a vapor compression cycle and a heat exchanger made of polypropylene and capillary-porous materials using a patented technology. Heat, cold and air productivity depend on the dimensions and characteristics of the final product.
Ready state

- The laboratory sample has been tested
- Requirements for engineering resources are defined
- The assessment of the availability of materials and processes has been completed
- The technical requirements for the product have been clarified
- Patent applications have been submitted
- The evaluation of usefulness has been carried out
Information about developers
- Research team NN FTI-05. Thermogas dynamics of flows in the fields of centrifugal forces and its application in power engineering and power engineering
What is needed to promote development
Investments in the amount of $100,000