The mass-exchange distillation system has a fixed housing, which houses a humidifier and a dehumidifier, a heater of the evaporated solution, subsystems for supplying air and evaporated solution, a subsystem for spraying the evaporated solution, a subsystem for collecting and discharging the distillate and a subsystem for discharging the unevaporated residue. At the same time, the humidifier and dehumidifier are placed in the rotor, which is fixed in the bearings of the fixed body and which can rotate from an external drive. As a heater of the evaporated solution, a thermoelectric heat pump is used, which is connected on the hot side to the circulation circuit of the evaporated solution, in which the evaporated solution spraying subsystem, a scoop pump and a humidifier are connected in series, and on the cold side, a thermoelectric heat pump is connected in series to the circulation circuit of the cooled condensate, which is equipped with a system for its pre-filling with distillate, together with a contact type air dryer, a spray of cooled condensate, a balancing cooler and a rotor-integrated condensate scoop pump. In addition, the humidifier is equipped with a signal scoop to regulate the fresh solution feeding subsystem, and the dehumidifier is equipped with a signal scoop to regulate the distillate collection and discharge subsystem.