Market and Economic Attractiveness
- Early differential diagnosis is necessary to accurately identify disorders in various structures of the auditory system of military personnel in acubarotrauma. In this case, with timely help, you can prevent the development of severe damage to the auditory system. In this regard, it is very important to use objective methods for studying the state of the auditory analyzer, which make it possible to detect early changes in various departments of the auditory analyzer and quantify them, precisely such as the developed method of differential rapid diagnosis of hearing, and the hardware and software complex that implements it.
- Broadband complex is also necessary for early diagnosis of hearing loss in children. If diagnosis is accompanied by appropriate and timely intervention measures, then this can minimize developmental lag and promote communication, learning and social development.
Main Advantages (Strengths) of the Device
- The result of the work is a new method of express diagnosis of human hearing and a hardware and software complex for its implementation, which is based on the acoustic effect on the auditory system and the measurement of the main parameters of the ear, according to which its condition is diagnosed.
- As new diagnostic parameters of the ear, the reflection coefficient of the sound pulse from the eardrum was used as a function of frequency, with its subsequent transformation into parameters of the norm of the middle and inner ear.
- The hardware and software complex allows you to quantify the state of the human auditory system.
- The developed device uses pulse signals, which allows you to get a change in the parameters of the norm in real time.
Main Characteristics
1). | Phone LD - SP - U15.5/8A | Sound frequency 100 Hz-20000 Hz |
2). | Microphone LD-MC-6035 | Transmission band 50 Hz-13000 Hz |
3). | Conical horn | Manufactured by 3D-print technology |
4). | The electroacoustic hardware and software complex has the possibility of connecting to a PC for in-depth examination mode, with obtaining the frequency response factor of the sound pulse reflection from the eardrum | Range of workers frequencies 100 Hz - 13000 Hz |
Marketing Readiness

- Real-scale sample tested
- Pilot production modes implemented
- Basic production technology defined and tested
- Product technical requirements clarified
- Patent applications filed
- Competitive environment defined
List of security documents for intellectual property rights:
- Application for pat. Ukraine for invention No. A202203990. Installation for measuring sound conductivity of axial implants.
- Application for pat. Ukraine for invention No. A202300292. Non-invasive acoustic thermometer to determine the temperature of the curl of the inner ear of a person.
Developer Information
Research team FEL-01. Medical acoustics.
What is Needed to Promote the Device
- It is planned to further medical testing and use of the developed complex for differential diagnosis of hearing, as well as its production, on the terms of the conclusion of separate contracts, in particular licensing.