Genetic systematics Species diversity of complex electromechanical systems: developed scientific, methodological, software and information software, which has undergone scientific and methodological expertise and many years of practical testing in the development of systematic genetic banks of functional classes of electromechanical energy converters with a guaranteed effect of completeness.
Market and Economic Attractiveness
- Saving time and human resources.
Main Advantages (Strengths) of the Device
- There are no competitors and analogues.
Main Characteristics
- System basis for ordering the known and genetically acceptable diversity of complex electromechanical systems
Marketing Readiness

- The fundamental concept is formulated
- Engineering resource requirements defined
- Basic production requirements are formulated
- Basic business process diagrams are defined
- Initial benefit and risk assessment completed
- Utility evaluation performed
Protection of intellectual property
- Certificate No. 63675 on the registration of copyright for the computer program "Electronic Dictionary of Structural and Genetic Electromechanics. Version "(" EMGENDICT "/Shynkarenko V.F., Shimanskaya A.A., Tityuk V.K. Registration date 22.01.2016.
- Certificate No. 58017 on the registration of copyright to the work "Terminological Dictionary on Genetic Electromechanics. "/Shinkarenko V.F., Shimanskaya A.A. Registration date 06.01.2015
- Certificate No. 60761 on the registration of copyright to the work "Genetic classification of primary sources of the electromagnetic field "/Shinkarenko V.F., Shimanskaya A.A. Date of registration 21.07.2015
Developer Information
- Research team FEA-11. Genetic prediction and innovative synthesis of complex electromechanical systems
What is Needed to Promote the Device
- Resources and conditions for the creation of a complete systematic genetic data bank of the Species diversity of electromechanical energy converters, containing information on both known and potentially possible electromechanical structures.